
This prestigious school near Manchester contacted us to design a new large feature window above the entranceway to their new premises.


Step 1

Consultation and Sketches.

The headmistress phoned us up for a chat about the new school that was being built and her desire for feature window. The art teacher had done a sketch for us to work with, and after emailed sketches, and lots of chats with at the architect, we visited the school. Glazing requirements were discussed with the site foreman, and a colour sample piece shown to the headmistress for approval.


Step 2

Approved Design

Using modern methods to create this large feature was ideal. Not only does it keep the cost down, we can work on large pieces of toughened safety glass. The approved design is bold and striking.


Step 3

Lots and lots of film!

Here is just one of four sections having the colour added, they are huge and it takes at several people just to move it around our light bench. The colours look amazing, and we incorporate beautiful 'whip' colours and add textures. Photos of the progress were regularly emailed to the school, and a glazing date set for the end of the summer holidays, just before the new school opened. 


Step 4

Fitting the glass.

A specialist scissor lift is hired so our glaziers can install the high up glass. After some nail biting moments and a phone call for extra hands the glass slowly goes in over one long  day in August 2105.


The huge windows look impressive on the walk to school, we are all very happy with the effect it has on the new building. It is greatly admired by other contractors still on site too!


The view from the inside is simply stunning, and the colours shine against the wall as the sun comes through. The headmistress is so pleased that she commissions some other simpler windows for the assembly hall, which our newest team member James enjoys designing. Hopefully we will get some photos of these soon.